O-morgen (2014-01-29)
Categoria: Training
Nome della mappa: Sørmarka
Organizzatore: Nydalens SK
Paese: Norway
Distanza: 5.53 km
Tempo: 96:59
Media HR: 142
Massimo HR: 164
Not an insignificant amount of snow on the ground today, made it more of a walk than a run. In and out of tracks from the others to various 'forked' controls through #6, then it was just me and the powder. Felt pretty good about reading frequently and matching up well, though clearly I was confused on 2 -- it all made sense on the way out, but that's a bit late. A lapse in thumbing/progress, which I improved later in the course.
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O-morgen (2014-01-29) O-morgen (2014-01-29)