Clinton map snippets (03.09.2012)
Kategorie: Training
Distanz: 4.77 km
Zeit: 43:40
Durchschnittspuls: 155
Maximalpuls: 174
100 degrees and humid. No markers or tapes
Kommentare verstecken (2)
Trygve : The yellow part looks interesting, but in the green part it looks like your running on paths which are not shown on the map. What is the point of white-out if you're not using compass heading on these parts?
Michael: You are right that Mary was just running on the trails. That was the idea - run on the trails and then stop at each control location (we didn't have any controls placed out). The training was really just a trail run, but the map bits were to give everyone something to think about a little bit. By having small windows I was hoping people who were familiar with the map and area would still have a few opportunities to think. At this time of year, you can't really get into the forest and off the trails. The forest is more like a jungle in the summer!
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Clinton map snippets (03.09.2012) Clinton map snippets (03.09.2012)